
Dear Colleague,

I am sure that you have heard about the Google Car that drives itself, and hopefully you read about the Mercedes-Benz robotic car in a recent IEEE Spectrum issue. Have you wondered what technologies make these cars possible, or are you working on technologies that allow cars or robots to navigate independently of humans. If so, please see http://www.icmim-ieee.org and learn about the new MTT-S conference, the 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM 2015), that will occur on April 27-29, 2015 in Heidelberg, Germany. The conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society, the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and the Information Technology Society (ITG) within the VDE. The conference will consist of invited talks and contributed papers with lunch provided and a great banquet in between. A poster session will receive outstanding visibility at the conference. We intend to bring together worldwide scientists and industrial experts to share and discuss new ideas and future trends.

The main sessions of the conference are:

  • Automotive Radar
      • System Design
      • RF Signal Processing
      • Microwave Technology
  • Localization and Monitoring
  • Industrial Radar
  • ITS – Evaluation, Testing and Implementation Issues
  • Radar Interference Mitigation

Please have a look at the program with many invited talks on important topics: ICMIM 2015 program and invited talks

Conference web site: ICMIM 2015 web site
Conference program: ICMIM 2015 program

Book your hotel for the ICMIM 2015 in Heidelberg here

We are looking forward to seeing you in Heidelberg! 

Best regards,

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick, General Chair 
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Waldschmidt, Technical Program Chair